Kansas City’s Endometriosis Specialist
Commonly associated with painful periods, endometriosis can cause multiple symptoms, including infertility. While there is no “cure” for endometriosis, swift diagnosis and expert treatment by Swan gynecology can bring quick relief to these symptoms.
Kansas City’s Endometriosis Specialist
Endometriosis is chronic condition cause by cells from the uterine lining growing outside of the uterus. Endometriosis can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines and pelvic walls. While endometriosis usually isn’t dangerous, it can cause painful periods and infertility.
Symptoms of endometriosis are sometimes vague, so the average time to diagnose endometriosis is over 7 years. In cases of advanced endometriosis, women may have pain throughout their cycle, and during sex as well. Bleeding from endometriosis can cause inflammation and scarring in the pelvis, this can cause cause infertility.
Endometriosis usually does not cause the periods to be irregular or heavy in flow. A truly accurate diagnosis of endometriosis can only be made visually during surgery. If a woman has debilitating pelvic pain at the time of menses, a doctor may presume that she has endometriosis and treat her on symptoms alone. While there is no cure, the treatment of endometriosis involves medications, or simple surgery. In the most severe cases, a hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries may be necessary to completely alleviate symptoms.
Endometriosis is fairly common, as it affects up to 10% of women during their fertile years. Sometimes the act of childbirth alone can alleviate symptoms (as does going through the menopause).
“She was the only one that actually put the time in to help me when I was dealing with my endometriosis. Witch at the time I had no idea I had. I had my old dr tell me the pain was in my head and that I needed to stop going to the ER for pain. Dr Swan was a miracle and a blessing in my life. She helped me with my pain and after my surgery I’m now pain free.”
-Google Verified Review

Regardless of severity, Swan is dedicated to bringing swift identification and relief to endometriosis symptoms in the most effective, and least invasive manner possible.
If you have painful periods or infertility, endometriosis can be the reason. Call Swan Gynecology, we are here to help.
Having painful periods or infertility? Call Swan Gynecology, we are here to help.
Swan Gynecology specializes in accurately solving complex endometriosis cases. If you need us, we are here. Call us at 816.444.6888 today. (You can also fill out the form, and we will respond as fast as possible).